Katherine Henry

Fine Art Photography

I have been using photography to express the way I see the world since I was about 8 years old. There are times when, walking down a street, I have to stop and imagine what I see before me as a simple visual image without the layers imposed by the other senses.  My images tend to be about the way light defines the construction of form, betraying my interests in sculpture and architecture, those “solids” which, coming from a family of artists and builders, are in my blood.

My eye is drawn to the things that remain despite the passage of time or the ravages of neglect.  I see peeling paint and chipped stonework, washed in sunlight or half in shadow, as works of art and use my camera to define these moments. There is stark and succinct beauty in late afternoon sunlight playing across a bare wall, sometimes subtle, sometimes startling.

I see my images as paintings of color or form and as compositions of balance.
The camera, computer and printer are the tools that allow me to prepare my experience into a shareable media. I love paper and printmaking…large heavy cotton rag sheets of blank paper leave me with a feeling of excitement, anticipation and even trepidation, as I watch my image resolve.

No one else brings my particular blend of sensibilities to the conversation and I share my view of the world through the lens of my experiences. Perspective, intent, the universal language of the spirit and the willingness to lay bare my vision  are the elements that open a dialogue between me, my work and an audience.

Katherine Henry – Fine Art Photography